
Wellness IV Bar


All our at-home kits include a telemedicine consultation with a nurse practitioner at no additional cost. Upon nurse practitioners’ approval, medications are shipped out. If for any reason, the nurse practitioner does not approve, you will be fully refunded. Someone will reach out to you within 24 hours of purchasing the Homekit to schedule a Tele-medicine consultations with the nurse practitioner. Homekits Kits Include supplies such as Syringes and Alcohol Pads.

B12 Injection with telehealth NP Consult


Purpose: The purpose of our Vitamin B12 injections is to improve energy levels, boost metabolism and help burn fat.

Includes: 30 day supply of b12 – Frequency once or twice a week

Benefits:  Improves Energy, Increases Metabolism, Enhances Mood, Helps regulate sleep, Helps regulate appetite

Immune Boost HOMEKIT w/ TeleHealth NP Consultation


Includes: 30 Day supply of Immune Boost Homekit (Contains 3 Vials: 10ml Vitamin C, 10ml Glutathione, 10ml N-Acetylcysteine) up to 2 times a week

Benefits: Immune System Boost, Improves Inflammation– Improves Congestion, Promotes Healing, Improves Energy, Mood, Improves PCOS symptoms, Benefits hypothyroidism

Skinny Shot w/TeleHealth NP Consultation


Purpose: Lipotropic compounds are aminos used to aid in transporting fat and removing it from the body. The purpose of the our Lipotropic and Vitamin B12 injections is to improve energy levels, boost metabolism and help burn fat. The purpose of the extra L-Carnitine is to give you the extra boost for your fitness routine. It helps to preserve lean muscle while helping you burn fat and increases your metabolism.

Ingredients: Lipotropic (MIC: Methionine, Inositol, Choline) B12 (100mcg/mL cyanocobalamin) L-Carnitine 100mg REQUIREMENT:  All our at-home kits include a tele-medicine consultation with a physician at no additional cost. 

Includes: Skinny Shot (MIC, B12, L-Carnitine) – Frequency once or twice a week

Benefits:  Weight Loss, Appetite Suppression, Improves Energy, Increases Metabolism, Enhances Mood, Helps regulate sleep, Improves Athletic Performance and Recovery, Preserves Lean Muscle

Skin Bright Injection HOMEKIT w/ TeleHealth NP Consultation


Purpose: The purpose of our Glutathione and Vitamin C combo is to remove toxins, clear up dark spots and improve the brightness or dullness of skin.

Ingredients: Each Injection includes Glutathione 200mg and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 500mg REQUIREMENT: Injections up to twice per week

Includes: 30 Day supply of Glutathione (10 Injections of Glutathione and 10 Injections of Vitamin C)
Side Effects: Glutathione has a side effect of causing mild overall skin lightening in some patients.

Benefits:  Improve skin dullness, Improves skin brightness and texture, Improves skin and scarring, Slows down the aging process, Strengthens the immune system, Erases age spots, Detoxifies the liver and cells, Improves quality of sleep, Reduces the effects of stress, Improves Athletic Performance and Recovery


Lipotropic(MIC) and B12 Injection HOMEKIT w/ TeleHealth NP Consultation


Purpose: Lipotropic compounds are aminos used to aid in transporting fat and removing it from the body.
The purpose of the our Lipotropic and Vitamin B12 injections is to improve energy levels, boost metabolism and help burn fat.

Ingredients: 30 Day supply of  Lipotropic (MIC: Methionine, Inositol, Choline) B12 (100mcg/mL cyanocobalamin) REQUIREMENT:  Injections up to twice per week

Benefits: Weight Loss, Appetite Suppression, Improves Energy, Increases Metabolism, Enhances Mood, Helps regulate sleep

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